The Mitchell Hayes Blog

Shades Of Gray

By Wendy Hayes

People think that accounting is black and white, but between the black and white are many shades of gray.  The gray area is where problem solving, creativity, and compromise live. When people are going through a divorce, the uncertainty of their future causes tremendous anxiety.  The financial balance that existed for the couple has to…

Let's Hear It For The Girls

By Wendy Hayes

I got a call a couple of weeks ago from an old acquaintance.  She is experiencing a rough patch in her life and wanted to know how I was able to get out of a bad relationship and still have what she sees as a successful life.  Really?  You are calling me?  Hmm, I have…

Can We Be Friends?

By Wendy Hayes

I read an article last week that stated that only 9% of the couples that go through a divorce have contentious marriages.  The rest of the couples had grown apart or learned how to co-exist even though they had lost that loving feeling.  Why is it then that so many divorces become contentious?  There are…

Honored With ProWIN Ladies

By Team Mitchell Hayes

Picture (l to r): Anita R. Henderson of The Write Image, Wendy Hayes of Mitchell Hayes, Essie Escobedo of Office Angels, Carol Dunlop of Creative Services International, Tricia Mulcare, of Homrich Berg Wealth Management, president of ProWIN. Photo courtesy of Lorikay Photography. With its motto of “Building Business by Building Relationships,” ProWIN—Professional Women’s Information Network—awarded five…

Untying The Knot

By Wendy Hayes

My oldest son was a little bit Huck Finn and a little bit Dennis the Menace as a child.  I remember one day he was out roaming in the woods around our home with his friend.  They drug back a ratty old chair and he wanted to put it in his room.  I told him…

There Is Life After Divorce

By Wendy Hayes

Have you or someone you know been through a divorce?  Was the experience about as fun as a root canal?  Some of you may be able to relate to a couple that I knew that had grown apart.  They were essentially living separate lives.  The wife wanted to go to counseling and the husband refused. …

Remember To Stop And Smell The Roses

By Wendy Hayes

Got plans?  Are you planning for a major life event, a wedding, a new baby, a trip, a career change, or simply looking forward to the weekend?  My husband and I are empty nesters.  We enjoy our careers and the joy of learning new things and meeting new colleagues and friends, but we find ourselves…

Would You Consider A Prenup?

By Team Mitchell Hayes

Most people, especially women, dream of a fairytale wedding complete with a beautiful gown; breathtaking venue; lavish ceremony and reception; and an amazing honeymoon all giving way to their perfect happily ever after.  These perfect moments are just the precursor to the life you will live.  The business of life is not always so romantic. …

Do You Budget?

By Wendy Hayes

Vacations, children, education, weddings, repairs/renovations are all large expenditures.   Some people determine how much they can spend for these things and then strive to stick to their budget.  Some people just charge the expenses and worry later about paying the bill.  Divorce can be costly.  If you have been through one, hindsight can leave you…

Your Financial Identity Is Safe With Mitchell Hayes

By Team Mitchell Hayes

Cyber Security Case Study Challenge:  Our clients provide Mitchell Hayes with highly confidential and personal documents.  The documents include every type of financial documentation imaginable such as: Tax Forms W2s I099s Pay Check Stubs Bank Statements Investment Account Statements Credit card statements Asset and Debt details Real Estate Data Businesses owned and all relevant financial…